Maintenance and care video tutorials
These tutorials have been made using the argonaut model saber but its indications with common to almost all our models of saber.
The saber of the videos is a STARTER version without sound. You can read the instructions for using the SOUND version with sound (recharge, color change options, etc…) below.
Video tutorials Sound module features
Blade color change
Light and sound profiles navigation
Throughout this user guide, we will refer to various parts of the batten when explaining its features and care recommendations. As such, it is important to know the names of these parts to avoid confusion. Along with these instructions you will find an illustration showing an ARGONAUT, however, as all Lucifer Sabers are generally designed and constructed in the same way, the parts and their arrangement would be very similar between the Saber models. You will see numbers in parentheses throughout the instructions referring to the different parts of the saber shown in the illustration.

Generally our sabers come with the blade (1) installed but can be removed. To do this, loosen the retaining screw (2) until it can be removed. It is not necessary to remove the retaining screw completely in order to remove the blade, normally 4 or 5 turns is enough.
Insert the blade completely into the saber emitter (3). It is recommended to do this with the blade and batten in a horizontal position.
Once the blade is inside the saber, tighten the blade retaining screw with a hexagonal Allen wrench. IMPORTANT, Always use a precision screwdriver, never an “L” wrench, these wrenches can seriously damage the screws.
DO NOT overtighten the screw, as this could damage the blade or the thread of the saber screw.
The best practice is to tighten the screw gradually and check the safety of the blade by turning it.
If you are no longer able to turn on the batten when it is turned, it means that it is safe enough and you no longer need to tighten the blade retaining screw.
NO apriete demasiado el tornillo, ya que podría dañar el filo o la rosca del tornillo del sable.
La mejor práctica es apretar el tornillo gradualmente y comprobar la seguridad de el filo girándolo.
Si ya no es capaz de girar en el sable cuando se gira, significa que es lo suficientemente seguro y que ya no necesita apretar más el tornillo de retención de el filo
All Lucifer Sabers are illuminated by Cree or Rebel LEDs; an extremely bright LED that is classified as a CLASS 2 laser.
Never under any circumstances should you look directly at the LED when it is illuminated.
If you intend to use your batten frequently without its edge, we recommend that you purchase a blade plug. When inserted into the batten emitter, the edge trim will prevent the LED from shining directly.
Si tiene la intención de utilizar su sable con frecuencia sin su filo, le recomendamos que compre un embellecedor de filo (blade plug). Cuando se inserta en el emisor del sable, el embellecedor de filo impedirá que el LED brille directamente
All Lucifer Sabers lightsabers contain sensitive electronics that control the illumination of the edge, as well as sound and LED effects for the settings of the sabers with sound.
Never, under any circumstances, insert the batteries or lithium battery in the opposite direction. Check the polarities three times BEFORE inserting the battery!
Damage caused by reverse polarity is NOT covered by the Lucifer Sabers warranty.
STARTER version lightsaber (without sound)
These sabers are powered by 4 AAA batteries. To change the batteries, unscrew the knob (7) and pull the strap to remove the battery holder. Retain the Velcro strap and change the batteries.
Then reattach the Velcro strap around the battery holder and reinsert the battery holder taking care not to catch the cables.
We have instructive video tutorials on youtube that will teach you how to do this and other processes.
Do not leave long periods the batteries without using the sabre or they could sulfate and damage the sabre.
SOUND version lightsaber (with sound)
The interior of a SOUND saber contains multiple components that are perfectly housed in a chassis. In the section below, we will refer to several of these components and therefore it is important that you become familiar with all of them. The illustration shows a SOUND chassis and this is inside all the SOUND sabers of Lucifer Sabers.
Tarjeta de sonido
Lucifer Sabers Proffieboard v2.2
Lucifer Sabers Proffieboard v2.2
When the battery is installed, the saber will be in any of these modes at any time:
During OFF mode, the electronics receives no power from the battery. This is the recommended way to store the batten, since otherwise you will have a constant consumption that will end up discharging the battery in a few days.
The saber comes with a current KILL-KEY plug (4) inserted in the recharge port (5), this is what activates the off mode.
The saber cannot be switched on until the current KILL-KEY plug is removed.
In order to put the saber in Active mode, the current KILL-KEY plug must be removed.
In active mode, the saber has been is ready for use.
Lightsaber Recharge
If your saber is an Argonaut, Walker, Sekh, Rudis or Inquisitor, jump to the “recharge the saber” section. These battens have the recharge port (5) accessible from outside the saber. Otherwise, in order to recharge the batten, the chassis must be removed and you must continue reading.
Activate lightsaber
Quick press of the power button (6) while OFF
LED blade color change
With the saber on, point the batten towards the ground, long press (2sec) and release. It will emit a sound and enter the colour change menu. Then move the batten from top to bottom or from left to right with a fast movement and you will see how the color changes with each movement.
With each color change, the batten emits a sound to indicate this. When you want to set a color, repeat the input operation for color change or press the button until the sword is turned off. It will remain this way until you start the color change sequence again.
Remember that each color change you make will only remain as long as you do not change the sound profile and light effects.
Changing Sound Profiles and Light Effects
With the saber off, long press (1sec) and release. It will emit a sound indicating that the profile has been changed and is in a new one. It will remain this way until you start again the sequence of change of profile.
The color profiles change slightly the aesthetics of light effects and sounds of on, blows, hooks, sabre movements and off.
Saving the Saber Configuration
Mute lightsaber
When the saber is in active mode, press the power button twice in a row.
The saber blade LED will illuminate without any sound. All LED effects will continue to work, however, the saber will remain silent. Press and hold the switch to turn off the saber edge LED and deactivate muting.
Lockable flash effect
Hold down power button + tap while ON (without releasing starts to sound, when you release it stops)
Blaster shot blocking
Quick press power button while ON
Remove the knob (7) by unscrewing it from the saber to reveal the inner chassis.
With one hand tapping on the bottom opening of the batten, gently shake the chassis. When part of the chassis is outside the batten, grasp the sides of the chassis and pull it out slightly until you see the recharging port.
Never shake the chassis forcefully, you can put pressure on the cables and potentially break them. The chassis can never be completely separated from the saber; however, it will be retained by all the cables connecting the components to each other.
Insertion of the chassis in the hilt
Gently push the chassis into the saber on the sides of the speaker. Never press on the speaker itself, as this may damage it.
Replace the saber knob and screw it in. If the knob cannot be screwed tight, remove it and gently shake the chassis. Repeat this step if the knob is not screwed back or offers resistance (it is normal for the knob to be 1mm or 1.5mm apart when closing).
Connect the charger to a wall outlet.
Access the saber chassis as explained above to discover the inner recharge port (8) inside the saber (if you have the outer recharge port as explained above it is not necessary to access the chassis). Connect the charger to the charging port. The charger LED should now be red, indicating that the connection has been made correctly and that the saber battery is being charged.
When the battery is fully charged, the LED on the charger will turn orange or green again. The charger can be disconnected from the charging port and the chassis can be reinserted into the batten.
A depleted battery normally requires about 5-8 hours to be fully charged depending on capacity.
When the battery is close to being exhausted, the sound sounds with noise. It can also happen that the saber turns on but suddenly turns off. This indicates that it is time to recharge the saber.
When not using the saber, always place the killkey in the charging port. If this is not done, the battery consumes quickly.