Author: Borja Segura Cerdeira

Walking the extra mile… Darth Sidious Lightsaber

Darth Sidious Lightsaber

We are always looking for new challenges and embarking on new adventures to learn and grow from but… sometimes, you miss the warm waters and sunny beaches of the “comfort zone”. We knew where we were going, but even so, the challenge of Darth Sidious Lightsaber from Emperor Palpatine has been a tough one to overcome.

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Lightsaber combat initiation class | TDN 2018

Lightsaber combat initiation class

Many people were left out of the first lightsabers combat initiation class in Jornadas Tierra de Nadie (TdN), so we organized a second class last Saturday, August the 4th, which filled up again. Here you have a video of the second padawans promotion of  #TdN2018.

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